New reality day 318

This is my pomegranate in plural. I also have it in two other pots. I'm getting to be desperate for pots again.

I have longer day today at work. It's Friday so I expect just to be a cashier all day ans evening. I'm the backup but on Fridays there's so many people shopping that I'll most likely just do that. 7 hours and  two 10-minute breaks will be a hard day in hectic environment. Not looking forward to that at all. Yesterday was hard enough, Same position and never ending queues of people. And my shift is the rush hour shift.

This morning we did grocery before my husband started to work. I've made lunches ready for both of us. I watered the plants and I did some quick - much needed - weeding.  And I carried half a pallet of concrete tiles to our backyard. We now have only one pallet left that needs to carried inside the backyard before we can put in the new fence.

We still have 3 major projects in progress.
1) The fence. One side is still waiting to be changed to the new one.
2) laying the rest of the concrete tiles
3) The sunroof (which is waiting for my F-I-L to come and help make it)

After that I can plan the rest of the berry bushes and such and get some garden furniture if needed. 

I'm pretty tired already so I won't be cycling to work today. I'm working tomorrow too, so I need to have strength left for two days. Both days I'll be off by 8 pm.

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