Any Old Iron

A retail therapy day today - taking advantage of being in the big city! Walked into Chester along the canal path this morning and spotted piles of rusty metal at regular intervals. One assumes they’ve been doing some dredging of the canal and these piles are now awaiting onwards transportation to the scrapyard.
Mainly bicycles and shopping trolleys as far as I could tell. The trolleys are almost certainly down to mindless vandalism (Tesco is right next to the canal) but not sure if the bikes are down to that as well, or if they’ve been stolen and then dumped. Either way, prolonged immersion in the water has not done them any good!
Shopping duly purchased, we returned to the flat via the river path I ran along yesterday. Considering we’re probably less than a kilometre from the city centre as the crow flies, we managed a round trip of of over 5K by taking the scenic routes.
Not satisfied with just the morning’s purchases, we went to the outlet mall at Cheshire Oaks in the afternoon. Out of interest, I put Strava on record as we left the car - it’s a little over 2K if you do the full circuit of all the shops. No wonder we’ve both got aching legs this evening!
We’ve also got lighter wallets, though Mrs C’s is considerably lighter than mine due to an excursion to a designer handbag store!!
It’s probably a good job that we don’t visit Chester on too regular a basis - I don’t think our bank accounts could stand it.
Back home to Kendal tomorrow. There is a race meeting on in Chester and I really don’t want to be anywhere near the sort of crowds such meetings usually attract, given the rising case numbers of the highly transmissible Indian variant. Much better to be back in the relative safety of our quiet little town.

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