
By Marionb

Importing Colour... the garden... (Just learned not to hit "return" whilst typing in the Title window! It publishes!  Yikes! Luckily, there is an edit feature) 

I had hoped to have a blip today of some new colour in my very green garden as I had some potted flowers to plant, but it was such a big day - my second COVID jab - that I never got around to doing the planting. All that anticipation, the excitement, the congratulations pouring in, the envy of my all took its toll and I just had to nap.

Anyway, back to the big blue glass ball - the answer to my gardening woes.  I have two of them - glass balls I mean, not woes. ..They add colour. They require no attention, no weeding, no watering. At the end of the season I just stash them in the shed. That green clover stuff perks them up and it just grows in there all by itself..No planting required. It just appears, as it does all through my garden; it is an integral part of the great green collage... and seemingly doesn't need watering either. It does not die. I know this is garden cheating, but when the going gets tough, the tough often cheat. I do hope to have some actual flowers to photograph stay tuned.  

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