I feel as if I've done nothing this morning except go up and down the stairs! 

There's a packing pile upstairs (main bag) and another downstairs (walking sack), plus a clothes pile on the landing. 

I should've been flat pack assembling.... I have cleaned my boots though :-)

Later - I've had a routine blood test and a dental checkup, which revealed decay under a crown. The earliest I can have an appointment is nine weeks away so fingers crossed it doesn't start hurting.

Even later - I looked out to see what the racket was and found that next door are having their drive pounded in readiness for laying dark grey sets. Good job I don't need to go out, I can't!

Later still - I made a fruit cake and two cauliflower cheesees, only to realise as the oven was heating, that I didn't have time to cook the cake or my tea because I was booked onto a walk 20 minutes down the A50. Honestly, what am I like!

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