Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

Flowers that bloom in the spring, tra-la

Cold again today, but blue skies, and a light dusting of overnight snow brightened up my cycle ride to work. On the way, I popped into a graveyard, the contrast between the dark gravestones and white snow promised a few diverse snaps. Talking of contrast, the difference in temperature (and weather) between today, and this time last week is noticeable.

A number of things caught my eye; a stone angel, (literally) fallen from her pedestal, a large, grey cross covered in snow, and the various prinstine white angels and saints guarding the outside walls of the cemetery, were bathed in soft sunlight. But it was this bouquet of flowers, gently laid, and fanned out on top of a grave, covered in fresh snow, that really stood out for me.

Here are a few more from the graveyard. And here's a bench.

Here's a song about flowers that bloom in the spring. Tra-la. It's from Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera, The Mikado.

Have a sunny day, blippers!

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