Tiny mauve flower

Odd but satisfying day at work. I managed to get something messy to work and then I wrote some depth-first recursive code, which isn't something I normally need to get to write. The programming language I use (SAP's ABAP) isn't the best for this, and it's not something normally done in business code anyway, but in this case it was a company's organisation tree that I had to process, which is an arbitrarily branched structure, so it was the easiest solution!

My wife was out canvassing for the elections today and delivering leaflets. Lots of nice people to speak to who were pleased to see an actual candidate in the flesh and someone who follows through on their principles (she gets about on a bike).

Today's blip is a small mostly mauve, but a little blue flower, that grows on walls here if you let it. After I took this picture, it was ripped out, it may be pretty but it's €10 000 to repair a few metres of wall, so you really don't want plants getting established if you can avoid it..

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