Walking on Broken Glass

Now you see it….now you (almost) don’t. On the left is the original stone chip. On the right is after Autoglass have been to repair it. I was warned that there would still be something visible and the pictures (which are very magnified) probably don’t really reflect what I can see from behind the wheel. Before, there was an obvious crack, now it just looks like a bit of an insect splatter. The main thing is that it will now pass an MOT, the crack won’t spread any further and it only cost a tenner as opposed to £700+ for a replacement windscreen (if it can be repaired, the insurance company won’t fork out for a new screen - that would be all down to me) Apparently, it could fade a bit more over the coming week or so as the resin finishes curing. And for those who are wondering why one picture is grey and the other blue - photo of original chip was taken under leaden skies, but the sun had come out by the time the repair was complete!
Further good news today as the joiner called and we now have a plan of attack and a provisional timetable for the work to be done. Doors, handles, hinges, etc can finally be ordered and, as they are all in stock, should be ready for collection sometime next week.
Considering the initial enquiry for those items was two and a half years ago - and we have changed our minds about what styles we wanted in that time - the cost is only fifty quid more than that original quote. For the first time in many months, I feel we are now actually getting close to the inside of the house receiving the makeover it’s been waiting for since 2018!
I just need to try and schedule the decorators, carpet fitters and electricians now to ensure we keep this momentum going through the summer. Then we can order the new furniture and hopefully enjoy Christmas in a clean, freshly painted house with no holes in the walls and new carpets on the floor!

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