In The Garden

I appreciate that because it’s a bit warm and sunny in the south east of England, then a state of emergency needs to be declared, but it’s actually quite cool and overcast in other parts of the U.K. I did go to the gym first thing this morning though, lest the forecast was wrong and we ended up with a hot day as well. We didn’t, as you can probably tell from the photo!
The garden is looking very bounteous at the moment, with the peonies, poppies and mock orange all in flower. And whilst I’d like to say the long grass is due to an ongoing “re-wilding” programme, it’s really just because I can’t be bothered mowing the lawn!
Actually, I’m quite grateful that the temperature has dropped as we’ve got a gig tonight. Wouldn’t fancy performing in a crowded (hopefully!) pub under hot lights, if the sun was also cracking the flags outside.

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