Pretty in Pink

Anticipating rain later on, I thought I’d try and grab a shot of one of the poppies whilst they were still looking good.
As I approached, I noticed that the bees were being very busy. Fascinated to see that they actually go right down to the base of the flower to gather the pollen. I was fortunate enough to to snap this little fellow as he paused for a moment before taking off. Would have liked to have taken more photos but the bees were getting a bit fed up with my presence and were flying a bit too close for comfort. Discretion being the better part of valour, I beat a hasty retreat to avoid being stung.
A definite “senior” brain fade day today. Did the supermarket shopping, got home and realised we’d missed several items that should have been on the list. So back I went. Total of those items came to £4.85 and you need to spend £5 to get parking refunded. So I raced back up the aisle and grabbed a random packet of crisps to take it over a fiver. At which point, I realised that because I’d only gone in for a few items, I’d forgotten to actually pay for the parking. So, a bag of crisps I didn’t need, the possibility of a penalty charge (think I’m ok because total time on site was probably less than the 15 minute “grace” period they give you) and confirmation that I really shouldn’t be allowed out unsupervised!
Going to be a busy day tomorrow. Joiner coming round first thing to - hopefully - agree a start date for the work we want doing. Then I’ve got Autoglass arriving to fix the windscreen. And - best of all - I need to stay in as a new guitar is due to be delivered at some time during the day.
And as long as they don’t all turn up at once, my aged brain might just be able to cope!

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