a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Waterlily in the rain

Flower Friday: Waterlily in the rain.

We saw our guests leave straight after breakfast this morning.  Cathy had to go to work, so I set to with the housework that follows on from having people to stay.  It wasn't that much of a hardship as it was raining outdoors so I didn't think that I was missing much.

By mid afternoon I was starting to worry about what to blip though.  In the end I've rather enhanced this Lilly to make the most of it in what was pretty uninspiring light.  Given what I started with I'm absurdly pleased with the end result. 

The processing of this image took about 1/4 of the time that I spent trying to finalise the edit of my hi key portrait of my cousin John (taken yesterday and uploaded slightly earlier this evening).  But I enjoyed every bit of both edits so I must be doing something right - even if the eventual results could no doubt be improved by someone who understands this stuff better than me.

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