New reality day 326

Not the prettiest picture, but a definite mark in time. All the Zen art pieces have been put on the ground and that project is done!

Starting from the left. 
Far back on the corner of the house you can see all sort of construction materials and crap. That's still to be used and recycled after all is done.

Then you can see the vegetable beds my husband made from the old fence pieces. I think I'll need one more :-). I'll have to give you a close up one of these days as my red cabbage is doing great so far. Also spinach and radish making great progress. 

The green big thing is the rain water collector. We'll put another one on the other side of the house. So one good rain should give me water for 2-3 weeks. Depending of course how hot it gets. And boy we'll be in over 30°C for at least 3-4 days with tropical nights. Fantastic! I love the hot weather when it's not lasting 3-4 months (like in Alicante).

The gas barbecue is not in it's place perhaps yet. That's just there waiting for how things fall in the end.

Next will be the fence and then the so called sunroof over the terrace.

When the terrace roofing is done I can start to put my flowers and vines in place. We also have some birch to make a sort of wall towards our next door (the couple I've been telling about).

And if you look close enough you can see some "kelo" pines. I don't know if you have this word in English. Kelo is s an upright old tree that's bark has fallen off.  Usually kelos are pine in Finland. So these kelos will perhaps make the support pieces for the roofing (vertical). And then the horizontal support pieces that will hold the roof will be normal woods that one usually uses. And then the birches on the side to give cover. If the kelos don't work, we have normal options too. But hopefully it will be very natural looking roofing that will blend into the forest next to us.

We have some new knowledge of our neighbor who's giving scammers money. He's been doing that for some years. He's been told by the police multiple times that the money only goes to the scammers. But the scammers have convinced him that the police is a fake police and that his children are hysterical. All that. So now they are trying to get a court order to be able to handle all his finances. The dad is the one who has the money, so the children are trying to keep it the way that he'd actually have some. A doctor has given his testimony that in his opinion this should be done, but of course the court will decide as they think is the best.

Next I'll eat some ice cream in the hammock and then it's off to work. I hope it's not as hectic as yesterday.

Oh, yesterday I threw off my (what we call it in Finland) winter coat / fur. I.e. I swam for the first time after winter in natural waters. Pools don't count. It was pretty cold but I did it. And I felt so much better afterwards. I was so tired after work. So sweaty and worn. It really got my blood circulating.  If you wanna see the picturesque scene of Lake Sylvöjärvi last evening, here it is:

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