My record only.

I know - the name IS BlipFOTO.
There are those who do exactly that - BUT - while I'm happy to do a nice one, "as&when" - another - BUT - my memory is such that I couldn't even hazard a guess as to which decade we bought our last phone in, let alone which year; this way I'll KNOW.  
The old one was playing sillibeggars, to the extent that, sitting here with the phone beside me I still missed a call from the Doctor yesterday.  I called the supplier, who ran a diagnostic and announced the fault lay with the equipment, not the line - SO - as I'd been toying with the idea of a new one for some time, this merely forced my hand into an early move.  It has a lot I'm a bit unfamiliar with but has a call blocker, which the old one hadn't so after a test there may be one up for grabs. AND a hands free facility which is:-
1. An aid to hearing, the old one was a bit feeble.
2. Allows me to do things with hand(s) if rqd. during a call; such as turning Diary pages etc.


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