Mike Lincoln

By Linxpix

The agony of the dropped catch !!

Well took my daughter for early afternoon work start., There was to be a picnic and walk of the local steampunks in Hartsholme park .Thinks 2 birds with one stone ,  as the Hartsholme cricket club 2nd 11 are playing at home and this would be the first meeting of any kind of the local steampunks since before the first lock down !
Well the weather was very overcast and we did have a few light showers, a friend of mine said he had seen some steampunks who did not want any pictures taken, however I was up for it see extra !!  
So after a few shots we parted and I went on to the cricket club, I know it is often fancy dress on test match Saturday, but I did not want to distract the team so dressed down to take a few snaps .

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