Nature Walk

When I was in the Infants in the late 1950s, we used to go for nature walks. I don't know if school classes still do this, but I always enjoyed them. Looking at my photos from our walk today brought back the memory. I've limited myself to four images for my Nature Walk collage. 
Top: Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta); Ox-eye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) & Bird's Eye Trefoil (Lotus cornicutulus)
Bottom: Oak Eggar caterpillar (Lasiocampa quercus); Silver Y moth (Autographa gamma).

Despite the rainy forecast, we've enjoyed brilliant warm sunshine all day, through a cloud-spattered sky. Walked in short sleeves and still grew uncomfortably warm, but when you're doing nothing, the temperature is perfect: the sort of summer day I love.

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