Clouds Across The Moon

I intended to take some pictures of the new solar lights in the garden. But as we are almost at the longest day, the results were not very spectacular even at 10.30pm. I went back to watching the telly, intending to try again when it was a bit darker.
Anyway, long story short, I woke up on the settee some hours later. On the plus side, it was definitely now dark outside. However, the lights were quite dim, having been on for a few hours now. No picture to take there then but, as I turned to go back in the house, I realised nature’s own solar powered night light was well and truly lit!
Neatly framed by the roof of the house and garage, the reflection of the light on the clouds was just enough to enable my simple phone camera to actually take a photo.
Such late night/early morning shenanigans mean it’s been a very lazy day otherwise. Leisurely stroll into town late morning to get our usual coffee. Had to reset Strava halfway through as it didn’t cope well with us sitting around having a coffee and recorded a random 2K worth of zig-zagging around Market Place. After that correction, the walk came in at a more believable 5.5K overall.
Afternoon spent doing the ironing whilst Mrs C went on a mercy dash to a hedgehog rescue centre with a little fellow her friend had found in the garden. Prognosis is that it should pull through, which is good news.
And, having managed to avoid any spoilers on social media or on the news, I can now settle down to watch the French GP highlights with no idea of the result - probably a first for this year!
All in all, today has been a good day.

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