Seven Bridges Road

In order to escape the football on the telly tonight, we went for a walk along, and across, the river. In an entirely non-contrived (yeah, right!) way, there just happened to be seven bridges along the route, neatly tying in with today’s blip title. At no point had I looked at a map and worked out a route that just happened to cross, go under or just go somewhere near the correct number of bridges - honest!
For those who are (even vaguely) interested the list is as follows:-
1. Cross the River Dee from the race course to Curzon Park, on the footbridge that runs alongside the railway line.
2. Cross the railway line on the road bridge that runs above it.
3. Cross the Dingle on the footbridge.
4. Cross back over the river on the suspension bridge from Queens Park to The Groves
5. (and this is the tenuous one) Step briefly on to Old Dee Bridge so it will count in the total. This is also the bridge seen in the picture.
6. Pass under Grosvenor Bridge, heading back along the river.
7. Take a somewhat convoluted route back to the flat to ensure we cross the little bridge over the canal.
Those familiar with Chester will be able to work out our approximate route. If you’re not familiar with Chester, I can only say that it was a very pleasant couple of hours walking, covering just shy of 7 kilometres.
Definitely ready for tea when we got back and I suspect we will sleep well tonight.
Somewhat annoyingly, they were still playing bloody football. Or maybe these were different games. I neither know nor particularly care.

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