
Slept in until 9am today - very unusual.  I only woke up because my 'back up alarm' was going off (the one I set just in case I oversleep).  Got up and made coffee and tea, and Tim was still fast asleep when I came back.  He woke up a little while later and was pleasantly surprised to see a cup of coffee awaiting him.

Had a very slow start as a result - by the time I'd had breakfast and showered, etc, it wasn't far off midday.  After lunch though I got out for a really lovely (and relatively long) walk over to The Point.  Spotted lots of new life at the pond - three new Egyptian goslings and a baby coot, so had to stop for photos both on the way there and the way back.  Also discovered an amazing verge of wildflowers all along one edge of the heath, so spent ages taking photos there too.  I do love this time of the year!  Even though it was a bit grey and humid, it was still a beautiful walk, and I covered four and a half miles in all.

Cleaned the kitchen this afternoon, to make up for my lazy start to the day.  Watched another episode of Fargo this evening, after Tim had watched the Grand Prix.  Thought we must be coming to the end of the series, then discovered there are 11 episodes, so six more to go, woohoo!

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