A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Achy Breaky Hearts

Thanks to MrsP I saw my first ever Flicker Fledgling. Try to say that fast five times ;) To be exact it’s a Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker, a member of the Woodpecker family. Isn’t he adorable? • I’ve trained MrsP to look out the windows and doors to monitor what’s going on outside, whether good or bad. Just like me! While drinking coffee and reading blips she told me there was a bird outside she didn’t recognize. Of course that got my attention! It didn’t take long to figure out it was a fledgling due to its behavior. He looked so lost and alone, looking around for a parent with food. He flew from the front yard to the back where this was taken. He kept calling out every few seconds, waiting, hoping, to be found. Now, he’s on our worry list along with a catbird fledgling and the chipmunks. They break our hearts! • I had my 5-year followup with the orthopedic surgeon who did my hip replacement surgery. It’s actually been 6-years due to covid. X-rays were taken, we had a nice chat and in his British accent said “see you in three years”. The man significantly improved my quality of life. I’m so grateful and thankful to have found him • Another weekend is on its way :)

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