21 TODAY ...................... X3 PLUS A BIT

Hello all,

Yep I'm afraid it's that time of the year when I've had yet another birthday - eeeekkkkk!!!!

It's not a special birthday only in the fact that all three of us in this house have had our birthdays all through the lockdowns and this is the first time we felt we could go out to celebrate one of them, so we've all made the most of that, whilst still sanitising, socialing distancing and masking.

Anyway the day has been brilliant, such a lovely day and it hasn't ended yet.  I've had so many cards and presents, most of which were unespected. I've still 3 left to open plus a bouquet of flowers to sort  out!!!

I got up early and we left home about 10:15 to go up to the Lakelands Distillery for coffee and then onto The Armathwaite Hall Hotel for lunch.  Unfortunately it turns out my car's aircon is not working, even though we had the gas recharged just 4 weeks ago - so it's been a bit boiling - certainly too hot for me, but no matter we plodded on.

Thanks to Trevorearthy's directions we stopped off en-route to see how the Bassenthwaite Lake Station was coming (it's in the collage).  Then popped over the the Lakeland Distillery just for coffee and they were so welcoming and lovely even just for drinks.  We thoroughly enjoyed that.  You had to wear masks everywhere on site, even outside but that was fine with us and welcomed actually.

Then I tried to get to the beach at the top end of Lake Bassenthwaite but couldn't park so we just went straight to The Armathwaite Hall Hotel.  That was busier than I've ever seen too, but everything was so well done, loads of sanitisers, social distancing and a very warm welcome in The Brasserie.  it turns out there was a wedding on today but it did not affect anyone else at all.  Just a but uncomfortable to see so many people grouped together for the photograph, but we were nowhere near them and they were in a separate part of the hotel.

The lunch was delicious, I just a very lovely chicken caesar salad w9th new potatoes.  Then the waitress popped out and said she'd heard it was my birthday and presented me with this special desert plate as a present!!!!!  How lovely was that.  Hubby and G helped me eat it of course.  It was done so nicely too, nice and quietly, no big noisy muzac or sparklers, just personally presented very quietly at our table, which suited me to a tee.  Ooh I also succuimbed to a Gin Fizz - well it is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We then had a short walk around the grounds and on the way back Hubby managed to stop off by the top of Lake Bassenthwaite so I nipped out and went for a sole walk along the beach.  It was quite busy but not overcrowded.

The just drove back along the A66, down the M6 and along A591 and A590 to home.

The collage is from left to right
Top - the birthday dessert treat I was presented with and The Armathwaite Hall Hotel

Bottom - Lake Bassenthwaite (I have no idea who the dog is but I thought he added to the photo), The Train parked at Lake Bassenthwaite Station.  Apparently they plan to open in mid August but don't have any planned events until October.

Please forgive me if I don't answer your blips today, I will catch up tomorrow, but I still have presents to open and flowers to sort and will be enjoying the rest of my day.

Very many thanks for all your stars, hearts and comments, all of which are much appreciated.  I will catch up with you all tomorrow (ooopers I'm wittering now, must be that gin fizz hee hee hee).

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