Alexandra Collection

The heat & humidity have moved in with a vengeance. I was outside first thing to take care of MiniMe and then headed to water all the potted plants. I also had to take the time to stake and tie up both the African Basil plants (oh they smell heavenly!)

When it was time to go back inside I was sopping wet with sweat! Ugh

I made some steak & risotto at lunch and packed some of it up for Kent to have tomorrow and I’ll have it again tomorrow.

I spent my afternoon bead weaving and finished the Alexandra collection bracelet in gold. I’ll do the earrings tomorrow and start on the necklace.

I think I will give this collection that I made in the silver, to my cousin Bonnie-Lynn for Christmas as it will be great for her to wear with her period costumes that she wears when doing tours etc in Morristown

Take care of yourself and each other XX

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