Hanging on #2

This Monarch was clinging to life and to this white rose this afternoon. Its wings were tattered beyond repair but it flew well enough and rested in the warmth of the afternoon sun while I took a few shots of it.

Yet another sign that Autumn is in full swing and that the lazy sunny Sunday afternoons for this year are numbered.

Still, as I said yesterday, I love Autumn. It's a special time of out with the old, de-cluttering and hibernating. My life is changing beyond recognition as I hang on to things which I need and do away with things I do not.

By the time Spring comes again in 6 months or so, I'll be ready to embrace the change, reconcile myself with that which I have lost and greet that which I will have gained.

Roast tonight and a glass of Sav Blanc.

I'm finally feeling a lot better and am feeling ready to enjoy the rest of my holiday.

Bring it on. :)

Edit: had a little play and changed the pic. :)

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