Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Red-Browed Finch

I almost blipped something else today: this lovely wee superb fairy wren. quite a few females were flitting about - along with Eastern Spinebills, and some of these red-browed finches. I managed to get very close to this finch, and rather like this photo. I considered cropping it closer, but decided I like the framing effect given by the blurred foliage. It'll look a bit bigger here anyway. ;-)

The other photo I'm pleased with from today is this little droplet-encrusted rose. Possibly my favourite of the rose photos I've taken - or close, at any rate.

I haven't read any of A Feast for Crows today (book four of George R. R. Martin's Ice and Fire saga). Proud of myself. Or something. ;-) Don't know that I can last much longer though. xP

Whipped the mower up to the shop this morning; here's hoping there's not too much that needs fixing - the lawns reeeeeeallllllllllly need a mow.

Kind of a crap run this morning. The hamstring's better, but the knee on that side was a bit twingey, as was the other shin. So I just went an almost direct route to and from the gym (after waking at 5am). Gym was quite good. 8)

Been for a bike ride with mrs tsuken and the kids this afternoon. The mrs hasn't been on her bike in many months, and was absolutely astounded by the increased fitness she found. The kiddies did really well too. I got Mstr 5 to take his bigger bike, so there were no speed wobbles trying to keep up with Miss 7 - although because he was able to keep up, they got very close, and stacked into each other once. Only once though; I was expecting many more. xP

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