Peach rose...

The burning question of the day - will our Sainsburys food delivery show up today??! It was supposed to be delivered last night, but once it had gone past our allotted time we wondered what to do so phoned the helpline!  Turns out our delivery driver was taken ill - a call or email would have been nice lol! - but they said they can rearrange for it to be delievered tonight instead... so we wait!!  Thankfully our cupboards weren't bare!!

A mix day of weather today  - very 'close' and grey for most of the day with some rain, but the blue skies are back now! So I've only managed a little bit of garden pottering today but spent the rest of the time sorting bookish things out, including reading.  Finished Windswept by Annabel Abbs which was wonderful - all about women who loved to explore/walk and how that was frowned upon back in the day! Can highly recommend that one!

Loving this rose in the garden right now! I just wish it had a stronger scent, and I knew what name it was lol! That serves me right for forgetting to label plants!!

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