Something's bugging me

Another mild, dull and windless day, but I had a lot of 'office' work to catch up on so spent some time this morning in front of the computer. We in 'Keep Oban Beautiful' have agreed (mostly) that if any of us do or write anything publicly we should have the agreement of the committee. I'd written a piece for the local paper about the need to look after our woodland fragments and green spaces and now have a number of suggestions as to how it could be improved or changed. I don't agree with them all, of course, but must try to work some of them in. 

Just as I had decided that enough was enough and that I should go out to do some gardening then it began to rain! Grrr! Back to the office!

My Blip today is not my usual - I found this tiny weevil in the bathroom and had a go at photographing it. It was just 4 or 5 mm in length, I suppose, but my Sony bridge camera can focus down to 1 cm. This was about the sharpest image I got - the little fella just wouldn't stop running! I popped him out of the window into the garden where he'll grow up, mate and produce a load of grubs which will then eat the roots of my plants! He's probably a Vine Weevil, but there are many different types to choose from!

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