
By AnnieBScotland

those flowers again!

woke up to gently falling snow - again. spent some time taking shots of the remaining mothers' day flowers, just in case.

my efforts today to get a blip for the weekly challenge 'catch' were singularly unsuccessful. I drove about 40 minutes to a friend's house for lunch, hoping to go for a dog walk and get lots of lovely action shots of the dog jumping for a ball. not so easy in a low ceilinged living room! lots of shots of half a dog later I gave up.

the snow is now around 2-3 inches deep but has stopped. this put paid to another idea I had, which I will bank. tried some macros of frost crystals on the outside doormat - which has a couple of cats drawn on it - caught on the cat on the mat perhaps? they were OK, but in the end I liked this flower shot, taken from above, with me standing on the dining room table, for a different perspective. one day left for the challenge shot - no pressure then!!

Chicken in the oven for John coming back from day one of his boat-building weekend course, on 'lofting', which I won't even attempt to explain even if I could one blipper at least will know what it is!

might even venture out to the pub tonight! have a good evening and sunday folks.

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