Honey bee on flower

I had a really good, long lie-in this morning. Then I got up, did a few chores and took Abe for a walk into town. I wanted to do some desensitisation with him around people, traffic and other things in a busy town. In fact, it wasn't particularly busy, but busy enough for him to have to work hard on impulse control and a few new experiences. By the third automatic door, he'd worked out that they weren't going to hurt him and started to relax. He was great.

Home to do a couple of loads of shopping and then to take my camera out into the garden for a little while. I spotted this bee grabbing what it could from the flowers. It's a bit cold for them; I hope it survives.

I popped out to catch up with SR at about 4:30. We had a short walk and a cuppa. She kindly dropped me home since it had become dark while we chatted over our cups of tea.

Home to finish off tonight's casserole. I have a slow cooker that is in two sections. I used one for the meat eater and one for the non-meat eaters. The casserole went down very well. MrB practically licked his plate clean - he doesn't get meat very often.

Anyway, I'm done in for the night. I'll leave you with my cute, fuzzy bee.


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