Colours of da Forest

It was raining first thing, but cleared into a sunny morning.  Clouds came over, some more showers but dried up.  Mist has come and gone and come again all day.

Day off again, and up early.  With a poorer day, I finally got on with chores I've neglected for a while now.  Met friend Julie for walkies in the afternoon.  It's been a fairly lazy evening, much needed.

We took the dogs for a walk and runaround at Sullom, and up to the forest.  As I've said before, I spent many hours here playing as a bairn, granny and granddad practically lived next door.  Back then, the forest was thick with trees, recent storms have knocked some trees over, leaving gaps.  The gaps are now filling up with wildflowers, and some pretty colours too.  The Woodland Trust still maintain the site, and plant new trees too.  spot Julie walking through the forest.  Taken in the Sullom Forest.  

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