The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Building work continues

Shot on the site at school. Beyond the house on the left, another two storey building is going up, on what used to be the back lawn. The roof timbers are up now, and it's starting to look as of it might be something, one day. A craft fair is going to be held in the car park in September, for fundraising and the Friends. I've signed up for a stall.

Talking of which, I've been offered a market stall every week, once CoVid restrictions are eased. I once thought that this would be ideal, but now that it's one of my five areas of employment, I am less excited. I think I'd rather keep up the possibility of youth work on Saturdays, and have some Fridays free. I am not convinced that we've seen the last of the Lockdowns. Youth work is considered Essential and can continue during Lockdowns, but my market stall could be shut down again, and there's no furlough scheme for small time market traders (as to the very obvious question of why I don't just get a full-time job, the answer is that I'd get very bored. Seriously, I really would. I like all of the things I do, but I think I may have ADHD, it's common but often undiagnosed in women. However, that is another story).

I was also sounded out about another childcare job. Let's just say it sounded challenging beyond my wildest imaginings, so I said no, explaining about having taken on Quite A Lot already. It's good to be remembered, but I'm not Mary Poppins.

In other news, my Non-WEA zoom class finished today. I had to attend the final part in my friend's flat (she let me in! She's sick of being isolated!) because my usual cafe was closed. No explanation. My guess is that the staff are self-isolating. I have enjoyed reading at least some of the books and films, but will be glad of the extended break. One can only be serious for so long.

Back home, I started packing for the market setup tomorrow. And now it's the football. Maybe, just maybe it's coming home to England. I never want to sound too optimistic.

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