A Mixed Bag Of A Day.

SWMBO said she wanted to go out and get some fresh air today (about flaming time!).
She suggested going to see the large sculpture of the Roman Centurion's near Cumbernauld, so it was decided we would go there, then to the 4 armed sculpture not too far distant, followed by the air show sculpture (above) at Lanark.

Well, we got to the area for the head but there were no specific signs up and we couldn't find anything on-line, so we started up the marked path leading to where we thought it should be but it became very narrow and completely impassable to any vehicle taking materials to the site.
At that point we came across a mountain biker coming down the hill. 
He know where it was and gave directions but warned us that it was quite steep and there were two 'false summits before getting there. He gave us directions to another, much easier route via the canal. So we headed back down to where the car was parked and headed of along the 'marked' route ...... which made no mention of the canal and there was no sign of said canal.

It was decided to leave these two sculptures for another day when I have done more searching (since the Council can't be ars*d explaining).

So we headed off to Lanark and despite all the attempts by the sat-nav we found what we were looking for ... despite the Council being in cahoots with the sat-nav by stopping signage when reaching the town and having all sorts of 'Diversion' and 'Diversion Ends' signs randomly placed which resulted in really heavy congestion for no apparent reason (at that point). 

I took some pictures of the sculpture - which commemorates the air show in 1910 which was the first without deaths or serious injury! ... and after taking pictures of the waterfowl (pictures start HERE) we went and had a very nice lunch at The Inn On The Loch, served by really nice, friendly and efficient staff.

After that we headed for home.
That was when my patience was really tried.
As we left the town centre there were signs saying 'Diversion Ends' and a mile or so down the road there was a random 'Road Closed' sign - that was all. I took a chance it was rubbish as there was traffic coming the other way and there were no diversion signs. Further on there was another sign .... and traffic coming the other way. Just before we got to the junction at the end the road was closed ..... to us - but not traffic coming the other way!!!
There was nothing to do but turn round and head back into town.
Again there were more signs about diversions which gave no clue as to where the diversion was or which way to go and random signs of 'Diversion Ends' thrown into the mix.
I ended up fighting my way through the traffic and completely incomprehensible signage and came home by a completely different route.
God, but I needed a cup of tea when I got home.

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