In da Waiting Room

More mist in place, mostly in the south, fairly calm and dull.  Been a shower this evening. 

Last day on late shift in the airport, and a busy day.  The first flights took off, but we had cancellations before lunch.  The mist lifted, and all other flights took off, but played catchup and some delays.  Staying in Cunningsburgh with the caravan this weekend, so a short journey home.  Mam, dad, Laura and Megan popped by for a cuppa. 

I headed into town before work, and got my second Covid-19 vaccine injection.  I had little problems with the first one, and just a dead arm this time, hope it stays that way.  There was mostly younger folk in today, the 20s age group.  A quick snap after my jag, the 15 minute wait.  Taken in the Independent Living Centre, Gremista, Lerwick.  

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