Bandit Saw a Sammy

Mostly cloudy, some sunny spells, and warm.  Started to rain this evening. 

Up early, and met sis Laura and Megan out for a walk, and we headed to mam's to feed the cats.  Back to the caravan, and a lazy few hours before lunch.  Popped up to Laura's for a cuppa, before packing up the caravan, and heading home.  Scalloway has turned into a little Italy, with all the flags flying tonight!  Try a pint and watch the final tonight. 

Bandit it a true scamp, and came flying out to play, after his breakfast.  It wasn't long before he spotted Sammy, and his back went up, with a few kitten hisses.  I have tried to get them to become friends, Sammy is all for it, but going to take more convincing from Bandit.  I did finally get him close enough for a sniff, and he touched noses with Sammy, briefly.  Here's hoping.  Bandit with his back up, Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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