
By lucia13


Aleluya!It is a lovely day and nice sky .Some clouds but it is make more interesting colours and the sky. We went for a short walk by the river my around the forest .It is lovely walk around the house. I feel better today. My husband is very busy marking the exam papers but I persuaded him to go with me. We enjoyed it so much . I took a nice pic trees, landscapes and flowers but I chose this one because I like the brighter light and colours of the sky Now I am resting .I tried to blip some deer but not one was available today . I saw only one deer and one rabbit but they were too far away .

We have plenty of birds ,deers ,rabbit, swans etc,, around here in the forest. It is a nice place to go for walk if the weather allows you to go . My husband always tells me: 'Don't let the weather stop to you doing what you want to do. He is English and he is right. I will try to blip some deers in the future but they are shy and it is very difficult. thank to everybeody for the comments and stars yesterday. I hope you have a nice day.
Enjoy my forest blip.

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