Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Pollinating Time Trials

With a mere 10 days until the 2021 AOG, things in the New Jersey arenas are heating up!  Today, Team Clearwing Hummingbird Moth sent their representative into the arena to check things out - she decreed that the pollen and nectar stations met all criteria.  Thank goodness since it would be a shame should the team pull out at this stage!  You can see Henrietta's precise form as she picks up a load of pollen to transport to a nearby flower.  She will have a lot of competition from Team Bumble Bee and Team Wasp, but we'll see...

Speaking of wasps, I fear that Team Great Golden Digger has suffered several serious mishaps.  Thunderstorms every night have obliterated their carefully dug tunnels and each day the girls have started over, re-digging their tunnels.  Between the rain-outs and the thievery of Team Catbird (seen stealing their katydid "treats") I fear that Team GGD may have a rough time during this AOG.  Time will tell...

Meanwhile, Team Hummie has sent several members in for early training.  I was able to get a quick peek at one of their Hovering Qualification Sessions here.  They are a team to watch!

Don't forget to tag your pre-game coverage #aog21pre!  And I still need judges (thanks to Wildwood and WalkingWombat for volunteering!)

In other news - I had a nice long chat with my parents this morning since we missed our usual Sunday morning call.  All is well with them and they are off to have a "get acquainted" visit with a new general practitioner doctor tomorrow.  I'll be anxiously awaiting feedback!

Stay safe.  And maybe dark with nuts today?


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