Sbectol a mwy

Sbectol a mwy ~ Spectacles and more

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Rydw i'n hoffi gair amwys - pun - chwarae gyda geiriau, ond mae'n rhy anodd i mi i wneud un yn dwy iaith ar unwaith, oherwydd dydy dwbl ystyr yn un iaith ddim dwbl ystyr yn yr arall (neu does ddim digon o eirfa gyda fi). Heddiw aethon ni i'r optegwyr i gasglu sbectol Nor'dzin newydd felly roeddwn i eisiau disgrifio'r olygfa hon fel 'spectacular' ond does dim geiriau yn Gymraeg fel 'sbectol' sy'n ystyr a swnio fel 'spectacular'. Felly does dim gair amwys i fi yn Gymraeg.

Bydda i'n dechrau eto.

Heddiw aethon i i'r optegwyr i gasglu sbectol Nor'dzin newydd. Roedden ni'r tipyn bach yn hwyr gadael y tŷ , felly roeddwn ni'n rasio ar ein beiciau ac yn ffodus cyrhaeddon ni ar amser. Tra roedd Nor'dzin gyda'r optegwyr, aeth Daniel a fi yn mynd i'r Lidl drws nesa. Ar ôl roedd apwyntiad Nor'dzin wedi gorffen aethon ni i gyd i'r dre.

Roedd diddordeb gyda fi i ymweld â 'Fresh Local and Wild ', siop newydd yn y dre. Roeddwn i edrych ymlaen at weld pethau o Gymru, ond cefais i fy siomi. Doedd dim llawer o bethau yna o Gymru o gwbl. Mae'n newydd, efallai bydd e'n gwella.

Ond wnaethon ni ddarganfod '
Sheffs' siop newydd arall oedd llawn o bethau lleol - cacen, bisgedi, coffi ayyb. Fel bonws roeddwn i'n gallu cael sgwrs yn Gymraeg gyda'r dyn yn y siop. Rydw i'n gobeithio ymweld yna eto.

O'r diwedd aethon ni i John Lewis , oherwydd roedd Nor'dzin eisiau prynu pethau o'r siop gwnïo. Aethon ni i'r caffi yna am ddiod a chacen cyn roedd e'n amser i seiclo (yn araf) trwy'r parc ac adre.

Mwynheais i'r golau yn y dre ar ddiwedd y dydd. Baswn i'n dweud '
spectacular' ond yn Gymraeg mae'n 'ysblennydd' neu 'aruthrol', felly dim byd fel 'sbectol' o gwbl.

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I like a pun - playing with words, but it is too difficult for me to make one in two languages at once, because a double meaning in one language isn't a double meaning in the other (or I don't have enough vocabulary). Today we went to the opticians to collect Nor'dzin's new spetacles so I wanted to describe this scene as 'spectacular' but there are no words in Welsh like 'spectacles' which mean and sound like'spectacular'. So there's no pun for me in Welsh.

I'll start again

Today I went to the opticians to collect new Nor'dzin glasses. We were a bit late to leave the house, so we raced our bikes and luckily we arrived on time. While Nor'dzin was with the opticians, Daniel and I went to the Lidl next door. After Nor'dzin's appointment was over we all went to town.

I was interested in visiting 'Fresh Local and Wild', a new shop in town. I was looking forward to seeing things from Wales, but I was disappointed. There weren't many things there from Wales at all. It's new, maybe it will improve.

But we discovered 'Sheffs', another new shop full of local things - cake, biscuits, coffee etc. As a bonus I was able to have a conversation in Welsh with the man in the shop. I hope to visit there again.

We finally went to John Lewis, because Nor'dzin wanted to buy things from the sewing shop. We went to that café for a drink and cake before it was time to cycle (slowly) through the park and home.

I enjoyed the light in town at the end of the day. I'd say 'spectacular' but in Welsh it's 'ysblennydd' or 'aruthrol'', so nothing like 'sbectol' at all.

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