Gitama's World

By Gitama

The Magazine

I was very happy to be asked to be featured artist for this months magazine.....(from my Photoshop course). So not only do I get to be on the cover and the first page there are several pages with a bunch of my stuff in the middle.

If you have time go in and have a look..there is some fabulous digital art to peruse in them there pages and thought I would like to share them with my blip mates

The kids have gone out to stay with some friends tonight  for an early start tomorrow setting up their stall for the markets........the house is too quiet I might have to go and put the telly on just for some noise....NAH! loving the solitude for a while yet.
So there is ongoing things to sort out...getting down to some wriggly stuff now and on the fence to keep or get rid of. One moment my headspace is 'Get rid of it you don't need it' and then the other side kicks in and says 'well it's really good and could come in handy later' ......jeez! i'm tellin ya its bloody hard yakka...especially mentally....I'm driving myself a bit bonkers....The girl isn't much help either ...she's just like her mum.

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