a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Nodding off at the back

Given the heat today, the lady at the back of the Jane Austen appreciation society's tour of Regency Bath can perhaps be forgiven for her stifled yawn.

Having promised not to feature any bees for a few days, I decided to go into Bath to have a go at my least favourite photographic activity - street photography.  I really find this stuff incredibly difficult, as witnessed by my failure to get the aperture right on this shot and so not having sufficient depth of field to have all of the group of ladies in focus.  

But I've still gone with this one as my blip as I love the various expressions on the group's faces.

I guess that wandering around in the heat looking for spur of the moment stuff is probably a mistake and that what I really need to do is to figure out where something might happen and park myself in a nice shady position so that I am then ready for if and when it does.  At least that way I will have had the chance to plan and think through my camera settings.  

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