Something A Bit Different

Headed off to Peebles this morning to get the new car key and have the car security system reprogrammed.
It was 23C when we left at 9am and we knew we would have to wander about for a couple of hours.
Guess who forgot to take a hat to cover his bald head.

I picked up the wrong camera for the conditions - a mirrorless camera without an eyepiece is not easy to use is bright conditions. I do have an eyepiece but it was probably with the hat. It was also the IR camera and I found out that having a polarising filter on the lens also buggers up the focusing. However, I found that out not too long into our wander so all was not lost.

A drink and a cake was called for at the theatre cafe before heading back to the garage where the car wont know what had happened to it ... cleaned twice in 3 days - that has never happened before!
So we started off for home with a wallet weighing a lot less than when we arrived. 
Don't ever lose a car key these days whatever you do.

Stopped at at my sister's on the way home - we haven't been able to catch up for ages and I got a real shock when she opened the door with her hair pulled back. 
It was like looking at our father's mother - just twice the height. She was the absolute spit.
We had a good long natter and a catch up on so many subjects while sitting out in her suntrap garden. I was sensible though and made sure we were in shade.
It is now nearly 9pm and the temperature has dropped to a mere 22C.
Is it time for the heating to go on?

The lead shot is a 'stitched' together from two pictures. Other different shots are  Here.

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