
Lovely hot day.

I did some weeding and general sorting whilst MrH ran around re-booking flights, sitting in queues, sorting his pre-travel Covid test in Cheltenham. I think his stress levels were rather high but on the plus side he assures me he was getting paid for his time.

BBQ this eve and I picked my fist mixed salad leaves from the raised bed and they tasted great. It always feels so fab to finally eat home grown produce after watching it grow. Going to plant more tomorrow.

My potato patch looks healthy despite the fact I was late to plant and I only used spare (sprouting) potatoes from the supermarket rather than seed potatoes.

The heat was draining but I managed a bit of sitting and reading both in and out of the shade. I think I relaxed a bit.

The house feels hot now so I’m going to open the windows wide for a blast of fresh air before sleep.

Not sure what this Dahlia will look like when it unfurls. It’s been a very slow growing plant and I can’t recall ordering any pink dahlias so it could be interesting! I suspect it may burst tomorrow

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