Hot hot hot

Very hot today

I did some bindweed pulling (felt like Iron Man training at 29 degrees) for 40 mins. I felt like I spent a lot of the day watering and tending to plants. I’ve lost a miniature melon plant (not clear why) so I only have two viable plants now. On the plus side I’ve actually got butternut squash and courgettes growing now (not many) so I’m thrilled. My pepper plants have strated to flower! Yay!

MrH spent all day worrying about paperwork and asking me to re-read regulations to check he had the right understanding of things. He’s decided to stay here tonight and go to Heathrow tomorrow. He’s definitely been overloaded this weekend and didn’t tell me quite important things, like his brother has Covid, til late into the weekend (he’s ok and has mild symptoms btw).

This evening I thought it important to focus on non-work stuff. In the end we did an online quiz and got the highest score we’ve ever got 48 out of 50. Need to swot up on my Greek Gods!

During the late afternoon the outside misting system has been installed. If you look very carefully on this Blip you can see tiny droplets of water keeping the air cool (and watering the plants). We have had the system for about 3 years (in a box!) but today’s weather meant it got used. It was a delight! Only needed to use it briefly to make a difference.

More jobs! The white pillars in the background are going to get stripped back to their natural wood (plus base layer paint patches) as I think it looks much better than the white. Work in progress. . .

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