a little to the right

Oh I like how the light is hitting that tree, in a diffuse way, highlighting/accentuating it, with the other vegetation darker
Oh but better, look at that path through the vegetation with the sunlight coming through 
That would make a nice shot, if we had a point of interest in it
It would be perfect for a deer
What is that brown thing?
Oh my goodness it is a deer!
Could you maybe stand up, no one can see you there?
Ok, now if you could stop eating and lift your head so we can make out who you are?
No, no, not so far to the left, your head is in the vegetation. 
Could you turn around and go to the right a bit?
Oh yes, that is very nice.

Thank you. 

And at home, looking at it in large, I saw that it isn't just a deer, it is a fawn!

I got my hair cut. Thanks to the vaccine I know Delta Covid won't kill me and is unlikely to send me to the hospital. There is absolutely no data yet on whether it makes long haulers. Israel and Los Angeles are reinstituting the face mask rule. Chances are I'd have no-to-mild symptoms, but I'm not interested in having moderate ones or bringing it home so masking indoors seems sensible. I held my mask to my face during the haircut. Given all the hair inside my mask and in my mouth at the end I'm sure it was real effective. 

The weather today was divine. 

The crows came to visit again. I feed them birdseed and dog food. Karen ordered me Cheetos - but a very, very fancy version. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to see how they take to them. 

I hope your week begins well tomorrow. You are an exceptionally good-looking, funny, and interesting person who brings a lot to the world and I'm so glad to know you. 

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