I see you.

A Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura). Not the most exciting of birds, but one I haven't shot yet. Near my home, nestled in the woods, these doves are wile and will never let me get within a decent photo distance. Bigger dove.

Today, I took a walk on the boardwalk, along the Boardman River, looking for ducks in the water. I got surprised by a male mallard on the land side of the boardwalk sunning behind a bench just a few feet from me. I didn't have my camera settings right for this close encounter and only got a so so shot. This reminded me of something Kathee (Docadiem) had said, "Look up, look down, look all around, but don't trip." So I started looking in the bushes and trees too. Just as well, as I never did see a duck in the river. Finches, chickadees and doves posed for me at a distance that I would never get at home. The birds are much more comfortable with people here in town.

Oh, and I didn't trip.

Thanks for the advise Kathee! And I should also thank Hillyblips... I used hand warmers today... SO much better!

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