I didn't do it!...

...Don't know who got into the suet... Wasn't me! ...where did you come from?!!!

Got him! I've been trying to get a shot of a Blue Jay (cyanocitta crostata) for ages. They come in flocks to the suet trees every day, but one move from me (inside my house, through a window, next door) and they all fly away. If I am staked out near a feeder poised to shoot, they come in to surrounding trees, spot me squawk and caw, then all fly away. I was convinced that I'd never fool one. Until today, you could almost see the embarrassment and panic when this one spotted me! BIG PANIC

I'm getting better at waiting, still as a statue. This patients thing, well... it's not my strong suit. But, it is paying off with the birds anyway. Not as close of a shot as some of the better ones from this past week. But I'm so thrilled to get an image of a blue bird, I'll take it.

Got great shots of Piper again, but I didn't post them. She's got a new nickname: Backup Blip... BB for short. I don't think she likes it... I did post one other blue jay shot on Flickr if you want to take a peek.

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