Friday's photograph (no painting today)

I needed all those fans and most of that ice last night for every fan, and my drinking water.

The temperature at the beginning of the evening was 31.5 C outside, and inside my bungalow early evening was 32.5 C. It was absolutely intolerable. Even Popeye was going from fan to fan to find the best one...and I was busy all night keeping it all going. Most of the residents in our road did not return last night. It was no better outside. 

Popeye woke me at 3 am. I had just nodded off. His favourite fan  had stopped working. So I had to reset it, put more ice in the jar in front of it, feed him some cat food I had slid between the ice packs. I haven't opened the fridge or freezer in 3 days. 

I am awake now, so I opened the other doors and windows in the bungalow because the air is now cooler outside than inside.

I have no more energy to go out and look for more ice for tonight. But the weather app promised 29C plus this afternoon...

However, I have finally managed to drag out a 20 year old atomiser and ioniser out of the Tardis (garage). It is massive. I can barely lift the water tank and attach the two halves. I thought I had thrown it away because I had bought it for breathing problems, and I had ended up with damp mouldy walls because of the continuous billowing clouds of mist, so I had stopped using it. 

Before I could use it, I had to clean it with white vinegar, let it dry completely, and now set it up. The billowing clouds of mist are that intense, I cannot see the walls or ceiling. Now, I fully remember why I stopped using it...

I had also worried, because in 2002 I was in Barrow in Furness, the day of the Legionnaires outbreak. I had been waiting, over half an hour, in the alleyway where the badly maintained faulty air conditioning unit was. And I do remember the the white mists/steam coming out of it. But I was waiting for my friend, and we didn't have mobile phones particularly in those days. I tested positive for Legionaires and I had antibiotics for it, but I wasn't hospitalised. It was a heck of a long time waiting for the testing sample  at the hospital to grow. I remember the young technician who took the sample from me was so excited because she'd never had a patient with potential Legionnaires before!

So, before I am using my atomiser and ioniser unit, it has to be scrubbed clean with white vinegar and fully dried. That took me a couple of days.

But if needed, I will run that tonight.

Trying a few different things with the collage app and Snapseed, experimenting.

Now I need a cuppa. 
It's 11:28 am and I can feel the heat already. 

Take care

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