View from back of bedroom

It's things like this that keep me going.

Yet another difficult day. Daughter didn't appear as promised this morning. New blacksmith very nice and good with the donkeys who behaved reasonably. Unfortunately I fell over walking down to the shed and humiliatingly had to be helped up.

Went to hospital and the "second opinion" man took lots of history and commented on new pictures. He wondered if some kind of TB infection from childhood? Lots of questions about animals etc. He says most probably not cancer, but if it is then it will be caught snd treated early.

I'm to have another endoscopie as soon as possible. I couldn't do next week due to another hospital appt in Rennes, so its set for August 5th. Ill have to go over for yet another anesthesia appt. some time before.

Daughter still not appeared when I got home and eventually arrived about 20:30. Very unpleasant. Marley and I went to get them pizza.
So much left to do but she says headache and can't do it now.

So I did what I can and panicking in bed now!

So there are 2 dogs again, a daughter who is abusive and a grandson who is starting to parrot her. None of them are vaccinated.

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