
thank you for hosting BikerBear

I love gladiolas and now three of mine are blooming. Sometimes it is fun when you can't explain things, like monolith appearances. I didn't plant any of the three where they are. I planted them on both sides of my driveway, which counts as "my" space. These are growing beside my neighbor's driveway, or her space. Our best guess is that a squirrel moved them some years ago. They get more light and she doesn't mind so it is ok. 

This is with my magic vintage Russian Helios lens. 

The different agencies on July 19 submitted plans for return to work. Some people want to return to the office, most people don't. Right now no more than 20% of people are allowed in the office. Delta may change the calculus, particularly since employees will not be required to be vaccinated. In the long term, the thinking is to make the government much more telework friendly. 

At some point I will travel to Sudan. Don't worry, no pictures of me by the hotel pool. 

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