There’re no flies on me . . .

. . . oops - my mistake.
Today we were visited by this shaggy chap (or chapess), and I’m quite pleased with the shots I managed to get.  He (or she) started under the feeding station outside our living room window, but by the time I had got the camera out he (or she) was 35 metres away at the other end of the garden.  I got a few usable shots, but this one with the fly just had to bridge the gap and contribute to a Saturday.
A ’Raven breading station’ was set up at the radio masts some two miles away a few years back, and they are not an uncommon sight in the village, but we rarely see them, and not usually as close as this.
The shot was taken with my Tamron 150/600 telephoto lens, hand held with a little help from the fence.  The shot is well cropped, so with an ISO of 2500 I am pleased with the clarity of the image.
Today I have been concentrating on recovering from yesterday - this poor old fa chap just can’t keep up these days.

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