If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Bactrian Camel ( Camelus bactrianus )

The day we head home.  Before setting off we took the grandkids to a local farm shop where there is a play area, various animals including goats and of course a café.  The visit was rather spoiled by two of the famers Alsatians  (German Shepherd dogs) getting through the gate and attacking a visitors small dog.   The lady lifted it to head height, fortunately it was wearing a harness.   It still got bitten drawing blood.

After a lovely pub lunch with the family we headed north.  We stopped for our usual break at Mainsgill Farm.  The Camels act as a sort of a sign post.  They certainly caught our attention in the days when we used to drive past and take our break elsewhere.  Now we find the conditions there much preferable.

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