A man of many hats

I’ve been meaning to take part in BCIntroduce and today provided the opportunity to introduce myself. To my followers and those whom I follow I need no introduction. To those who are new to Tryfan46, hello and welcome and thanks for dropping in.

Don’t ask why I’m Tryfan46, I’ve no idea. I love the mountain of that name, but have no idea where the 46 came from. It’s not the year of my birth!

I’ve been blipping over 8 years now having come across the site through a newspaper report while visiting relatives in Edinburgh for Christmas 2012 - and I started on 1st January 2013.

I took early retirement after 35 years in education. I can’t believe that at the end of this month I will have been retired 10 years. Wow, where did that time go?

And why the many hats? Of course, it’s like everyone else, we all wear many hats every day as we do different things. There’s my Tilly Hat which reminds me of good times and good friends in Canada, my Railway Hat as many of you know I’m a signalman on the Kent and East Sussex Railway (plenty of steamy blips there). A cycling helmet as I’ll use my bike at every opportunity whether locally or on a ride.

Then there’s my work cap which protects my head from low lying branches when I’m cutting the grass, keeps the rain off at the allotment and my hair clean when painting. And then my best summer cap in its latest incarnation - I’m always losing that hat, if not my head!

There are, of course, many other hats: dad, grandad, husband, cousin, great uncle, campaigner, rugby referee (none of which wear hats)

Blip has become an integral part of my life. It’s opened my eyes, helped my photography (at least I think so) and I’ve made such lovely friends all over the country and across the world. Thank you for being part of my world and also sharing your life with me.

And the greatest thanks are reserved for the Blip Central team who enable this wonderful enterprise and institution to thrive.

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