
By TheLoveOfNature

Rain at Last!

Another early start for me today. I wanted to pop to the shop first to try and get something for my throat (it still hurts). The price was ridiculous, so I left them there and got some breakfast instead.

On to the garden that I usually do on a Wednesday afternoon. I was working on the front garden today. At the door of the wall there were lots of weeds. I cleared them all, scraped the excess Earth and shovelled it up. I swept it all and it’s looking really nice. I removed as much Ivy from the walls as possible too.

Now to weed the front garden and deadhead a few things. I’d made several trips to the compost which is at the bottom end of the back garden. I had about 20 minutes left there and it started pouring. I got absolutely soaked! My shorts got so wet that they actually stuck to me.

When I got home, there’d been no rain at all. Albie greeted me at the bottom of the drive. He waited patiently as I got all of my wet belongings out of the car. Buster was inside with my Mum. When he saw me, he came to say Hello :)

A parcel had arrived addressed to e, so I opened it up with Albie watching me carefully haha It was 2 new large cooling mats for them, one each. About 20 minutes later, another parcel arrives. This time it’s their paddling pool. We set it up on the decking and Albie got in straight away even though it was empty haha. It soon got filled up and he loved it. Buster wasn’t so keen, he stuck with the plastic tray we’d been using for them. They were both soaked! They went crazy and were running around like fools haha They soon calmed down, got dried off and fell asleep.

I gave Albie his food. Buster was very good and stayed with my Mum in the other room. They played for a bit again and then had another nap haha

Albie is off to the groomers tomorrow and we needed to get the matts out of his tail. I managed to get him into my room and my Mum joined us. We closed the door, so Buster couldn’t come in. To try and brush Albie, treats are required. One gives the treats and one brushes. We did quite a bit before he’d had enough. We wen5 out and I gave Buster some treats for being so good.

A bit later we tried again. This time using kibble and with Buster there. My Mum tackled the tail and I gave them ‘treats’. Although it was only kibble, they thought it was great haha. It actually worked really well until I ran out. There’s a bit left in Albie’s tail, so we’ll give it another go in the morning before his appointment.

There’s a yellow weather warning for thunderstorms tomorrow morning, so I’m not going to any gardens tomorrow. The one I do in the morning is moved to Friday and I did my afternoon one today.

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