A time for everything

By turnx3

Long time friends

We had a good service at church this morning and a nice social time afterwards, introducing Laura to various church friends. She has been to our current church before, but it’s usually been holiday time when people have been going back home to their families and not staying around to socialize much. Also everyone was curious to see what I had done to my hand! We watched some of the Olympics, then Laura went out to meet her friend Nancy, one of her High School friends who now lives in Baltimore, and accordingly hasn’t seen for a number of years. Fortunately she was home visiting her parents for a while.It was a very hot day, so while Roger took himself off for a bike ride, I stayed home in the air conditioning. Nancy had said she would like to see us again, and the feeling was mutual, so after they had eaten out - Nancy wanted to have some Skyline Chili, a Cincinnati icon - they both came back to the house for a while, and we chatted and caught up a bit, and I took the opportunity to get a picture of them as Nancy was leaving.

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